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Super Study Skills

Taking the time to teach your child study skills while in elementary school will help them for their lifetime.



  • Designate a regular time each day for study time.
  • Designate a place in your home for studying. This place should be comfortable .. clutter free, and have good lighting. Make sure there is a smooth space to write.
  • Keep supplies stocked. Create a drawer or box that is stocked with pencils, glue, scissors, erasers etc. so that anything needed is right at hand.
  • Keep a calendar near that all assignments, pro-jects, tests, quizzes etc. can be marked down on.
  • Break down and schedule weekly study sessions (i.e. spelling words Monday & Wednesday, math facts Tuesday & Thursday).
  • Monitor your child's teacher communication format to stay current for these items.
  • Encourage your child to check their work. Proofreading and editing are important skills to learn.


Sometimes children have difficulty maintaining focus after a long day at school. Learning how to pay attention, focus and concentrate are valuable tools that will make learning all through life more successful. Here are some tips to help your child get ready to focus:
  • It is hard to pay attention and concentrate on an empty stomach. Make sure that a good breakfast, lunch, and snack are provided before learning periods.
  • Before starting or while taking a break, help your child use some simple stretching or yoga moves to get their mind and body ready.
  • Think about when your child is most focused. Is it, right after school or after a period of activity? Set that time as the regular study time.
  • Set specific time segments of study and break down by task. Then allow for a small break to stretch, get a drink, or use the restroom. Then resume another study cycle.
  • Get the most difficult task or subject done first. This will help provide a sense of accomplishment.

Handling Homework Frustration

  • Re-read the instructions
  • Reread the section in the book related to the assignment
  • Take a break from the assignment
  • Use a sheet of paper to cover the portion of the assignment not being worked on
  • Divide the assignment into smaller, more manageable tasks and do one part at a time

Memorization Skills

Some skills for school success require memorization skills.
  • When memorizing people or facts .. try to relate them to your life.
  • To memorize names... combine them into a sentence.
  • Visualize a familiar place to pin ideas or facts .. or map out items associated with a place in the house.
  • Create a story to memorize steps in a process.
  • Use flash cards
  • Make flash cards
  • Create timelines
  • Quiz yourself with help from an adult or study buddy
  • Make your own quiz and take it
  • Do chapter reviews or use a study guide

The information provided is meant to provide a support framework in starting the process of helping your child develop strong study skills - and habits for their lifelong learning journey. If at any time you need more information or support for your child in this area, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

After School Chats

  • Start a routine of helping your child go through their backpack. Have them show you what is in there each day.
  • Go through their papers with them. Do this when they are fresh after school.
  • Look over their work together. Discuss the successes and where there can be improvement. This will also help you see what areas they may be struggling in and may need more support.
  • Have them talk through their assignment or projects so that you can see what they learned and how they are retaining that information or skill area.