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Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)

What is school-wide PBIS?

School-wide positive behavior support is a whole-school approach to discipline that includes systemic and individualized strategies for achieving social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior with ALL students (Tier I). If Tier I supports are not successful then the teacher will change his/her behavioral intervention supports (Tier II), if these supports are unsuccessful with a particular student behavior(s), then Tier III supports will be developed and implemented with continued support of the parents throughout the entire process.

With School-Wide PBS implementation, the following results will occur:

  • Improvement in academic achievement
  • Increased school engagement

Key Features of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support:

  • Administrative Leadership and Support
  • Team-based implementation
  • Information used for decision-making
  • Behavioral expectation define
  • Behavioral expectations taught
  • Appropriate behavior acknowledged and rewarded
  • Behavioral errors monitored and corrected
  • Family and community collaboration

Effective Behavioral Expectations will do the following:

  • Create a culture of consistency and competence
  • Improve consistency
  • Increase predictability
  • Use 3-6 positively stated expectations
  • Target all forms of behavior (Safety, Responsibility, Respect)
  • Should be known by all students and adults (ask them!)

The School PBIS Leadership Team defined behavior expectations for the following common areas at Daniel Webster School: bathrooms, playground, hallways, lunchroom area, auditorium, and front office/nurse area.

Webster Behavioral Expectation Motto: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful
School-wide behavior expectations for the common areas will be categorized under these three primary behavioral expectations. Rules for all common areas will be posted around the school site; these guidelines for behavior are reviewed each school year periodically.

Posting the rules alone will have no effect on student misbehavior unless students are taught skills to increase their ability to function successfully in school; research has shown that when teachers teach school rules, catch students doing good, and ignore minor inappropriate behaviors, then problem behaviors will drop dramatically.

The Principal will provide an initial review of school-wide behavior expectations at grade level behavior assemblies each month, however, it is imperative that teachers consistently teach school-wide expectations directly to their students with formal lessons. In addition, behavior expectations should be taught and reviewed at least 10 to 20 times per year.

Teach Social Behavior Like Academic Skills:

  • Teach through multiple examples
  • Teach where the problems are occurring
  • Give frequent practice opportunities
  • Provide useful corrections
  • Provide positive feedback (5:1)
  • Monitor for success
  • Model expected behaviors with students

To maximize effectiveness, a school-wide system of positive reinforcement and recognition -- at all times, by all adults -- for following the behavioral expectations must be in place through the school building.