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After-School Enrichment Classes

Webster has two after-school programs on campus.  Both programs meet daily from dismissal through 6:00pm.

LEARNs is our after-school enrichment program. The hours are from dismissal to 6 p.m., and students must attend at least 15 hours per week. The program is designed to complement the school day and includes homework help, enrichment programs, and structured recreation. Apply at

The Webster LEARNs office is located in room 111.

Our second after-school program is with Pasadena's Parks and Recreation. This afternoon program is a drop-in play program, with homework assistance provided for 30 minutes daily. The hours are from dismissal to 6:00 pm.

Apply at

Webster offers a variety of fee-based after-school enrichment classes presented by outside organizations.

Other classes hosted at Webster during the school year:

  • Spanish Class
  • Innovation Club
  • Good News Club
  • Chess Club
  • Math Enrichment
  • Webreak Hip-Hop Dance